1st crusade


Odo de Bayeux arms Odo de Bayeux Odo de Bayeux arms

Odo Earl of Kent, brother to the Conqueror by the mother's side, though the Bishop of Bayeur, was a very skilful soldier. His good fortune rendered him ambitious, and encouraged hopes of his ultimately obtaining the Papal dignity, to which end he purchased and adorned a palace at Rome. He endeavored to seduce several of the King's subjects from their allegiance, which conduct so exasperated William, that when his nobles feared to arrest him, he seized him with his own hands. Odo, in disgust, went to Jerusalem; but being of a fickle disposition, soon returned, and on arriving in England raised a rebellion against William Rufus.

Odo joined Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy. He died on the way to Palermo in January or February 1097 CE. He was buried in Cathedral of Palermo.

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