Crusade Knights and Battles

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  Brien Fitz Count arms Edgar Atheling 75x90 arms Hugh de Beauchampe 75x76 Gerard gurnay 75x90 Adam de Irton arms Ivo Grentemaisnill 75x90 Robert Duke of Normandy 75x76 Alan lo Steward arms Walter de Valery 75x76 darker De Alta Ripa arms Evrard de Pudsey arms


The First Crusade Battles, Knights, 1096 - 1100 CE

The Second Crusade Battles, Knights, 1147 - 1150 CE

The Third Crusade Battles, Knights, 1189 - 1192 CE

The Fourth Crusade Battles, Knights, 1202 - 1204 CE

The Fifth Crusade Battles, Knights, 1213 - 1221 CE

The Sixth Crusade Agreement, Knights, 1228 - 1229 CE

  Brien Fitz Count arms Edgar Atheling 75x90 arms Hugh de Beauchampe 75x76 Gerard gurnay 75x90 Adam de Irton arms Ivo Grentemaisnill 75x90 Robert Duke of Normandy 75x76 Alan lo Steward arms Walter de Valery 75x76 darker De Alta Ripa arms Evrard de Pudsey arms


The Seventh Crusade Battles, Knight, 1244 - 1254 CE

The Eighth Crusade Battles, Knights, 1270 CE

The Ninth Crusade Battles, Knights, 1271 - 1272 CE

The last Battle at Acre, Knights, 1291 CE

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